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WFP funding shortfall

this Reuters articke found here on Yahoo finance UK&Ireland is from yesterday and informs is of cuts that are being made to the areas of the Sudan (includeding south Sudan and Darfur). One of the main reasons is "The U.N.'s World Food Programme on Tuesday said it was cutting back its humanitarian air services in Sudan due to a $48 million (25 million pounds) funding shortfall."

Not only is there a funding shortage right now they are also facing problems from armed groups. "McDonald said Oxfam had to rely on the U.N. air service to reach some parts of Darfur because a surge of bandit attacks had made it too dangerous to travel by road. The looming rainy season would make travelling by land even harder, he added.
The WFP halved its deliveries of emergency food aid to Darfur from May because so many of its convoys were being attacked by armed groups."

The article describes the cuts that are being made to flights that are bringing in humanitarian services. worth a full read. I have also linked to the World Food Programme's website on the right.


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