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More on Myanmar

ABC news has the following article from a report who is in Myanmar posing as a tourist. In our 24 hour media world, news stories have a life span of only a couple of days. We need to continue to remember the people in Myanmar. please read the whole article here.

"The villagers say an international aid group gave them the equivalent of $50 per household to rebuild, but they've used that money for food and water. Other people in Yangon tell me that the government refuses to give them donated aid, or makes villages buy it. "

The author's identity is being protected for their own safety.

Kringkong said...
June 10, 2008 at 11:49 AM  

I'm trying to subscribe to this feed with my feed reader and I keep getting this message:

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jagis said...
June 10, 2008 at 12:30 PM  

Hey Neil,

I have been making some changes on the back-end this morning, so you might have tried to subscribe while I was messing with it.

I just tested it and it worked now, so try again and let me know if it does not work.


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