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Myanmar Junta

L.D.Thomson from Pajamas media has an article up today on the activites of the Junta in Myanmar. read the whole thing here.

"Now — only a few weeks after relief efforts began — the junta has begun closing cyclone relief centers and announced that all foreign aid workers must leave. They have rejected any additional food aid because the people can eat “large frogs” that are plentiful during rainy season."

I do not even have words for this.

I have been thinking this morning of posting something to address political questions that will arise as this blog progresses. I want to make it clear that although I do not hide the fact that I do have political views and religious views (hence the purpose and angle I take on this blog) my goal is not to advance a political agenda. I feel strongly about these issues and I also feel that ultimately the answer is found to Christ. I believe this article points to that and here is why.

See I can point out to you verses that tells us (as Christians) that we are commanded to give, to sacrifice, to put others needs before our own. What I can not do is figure out the mentality of a political organization that views its people as what I can only describe as sub-human. I can't and I wont. This is where Christ comes in. This is where as Christians we need to lean on Christ, have faith in Christ.

We need to believe that nothing goes unnoticed by God, that He is not surprised by any of this, and that He is in control.

In the meantime,

please pray for them and their leaders.

Pray for the salvation of the people of Myanmar. Pray for their redemption. Pray that God will make a way for aid and medical care to reach the people that are suffering. Pray that God will reveal to each of us what His will for us in this is.


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