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The History of Darfur (Update)

Update: I actually had time to go through the inter active presentation this morning. it is a good beginners course into the situation in Darfur. I am going to also provide more resources in the days to come for those interested in a more in depth analysis.

I want to pass on this tool for all that are interested in getting more information into the background of the situation in Darfur.

This particular resource comes from the Council on Foreign Relations and is entitled: "Crisis Guide: Darfur. this is an audio presentation. I actually have not yet had a chance to go through this particular resource but plan on it in the next day or so.

I am also going to try to provide historical resources on a more regular basis so that we can get the full context of the situations going on around our world. It is easy for me to look at these issues and ask my self "how did it ever come to this?". My hope is by providing some historical resources we can start to get an idea of how things came to be.

Please feel free to share any resources you have come across. Also, please feel free to share any news articles or resources that you discover in the comments section. I will gladly add them to posts with a hat tip for you.


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