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Educating the children of Yemen

great article at Care about a new initiative that is being started between Dubai Cares and Care International to "advance primary education programs". whole article here

"Dubai Cares has donated $19 million for the joint initiative to advance primary education programs, to be rolled out over four years in Yemen. The project will increase the quality and relevance of education to 36,000 primary age children in the rural governorate of Hajja, with special emphasis placed on providing education to girls, who often remain uneducated. The program will also ensure the construction of nearly 100 primary schools in the underserved areas, with six classrooms each."

"Dubai Cares' education programs will include action-learning and life-skills training with partners based in targeted countries. Under the Yemen program, more than 200 women will be trained as primary teaching assistants, while, in addition, 200 primary teachers will be familiarized with child-centered techniques for supporting slow learners and late starters. "

"The Yemen program also includes a water component, which pipes water to the schools that do not have convenient water sources."

""The latest UN Development Report for Yemen (2005-2006) confirms that less than 17 percent of all adult Yemenis have completed their primary education. Access to education is also inequitable, with girls making up only one-third of primary school enrolments and only one in four girls going on to attend secondary school," said Her Excellency Al Hashimy. "

Ultimately, this is what I think is going to have one of the greatest impacts on the dire hunger situation. We have to get children educated.

just think for a second what it would be like if your children did not have access to a school. If you know that your children were not going to be able to be educated because of a lack of resources.


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