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Darfur and the Olympics

OK, so far I have treaded lightly on the issue of the Olympics and China's involvement and influence in the Genocide taking place in Darfur.

I have done this for a couple of reasons,

1. I love the Olympics games. Which has created a very big inner conflict for me. How can I support them and enjoy them when the host countries government is refusing to get involved in another government's atrocities because they do business with them.

2. I am not sure I know what the proper way to attack this issue is

Here is the problem; as I work through the article I posted earlier today on the update on Darfur I am realizing more and more that the Olympics do provide an excellent chance to draw attention to this crisis in an unprecedented way.

Along those lines, I would like to pass on a link to Dream for Darfur. This is an excellent resource to gather information and take action if you feel called.

I believe the more we make our voices known the more we can draw peoples attention to Darfur.

A very exciting thing happened last summer if you will remember, congress put up a bill for immigration and something remarkable happened. US citizens responded by contacting their representatives in droves. Regardless of where you stood on the issue a very important message was made. We can still affect policy. Our voice does still matter.

Action does not always mean money (though it often is a necessity). We can make our voices heard for those who have no voice.

As Christians, we can speak up for Christ's creation.

I am going to look into this and humbly request you consider to do the same, not for me, but for the children around this world who are dying.


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