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Still in the book of Galatians.

think about this; generation after generation, law and rituals are passed down all in the expectation of the coming savour, in expectation of God holding true to His covenant. Christ comes and he is not recognized so he is crucified only he does not experience decay and is raised from the dead. Because of this if you believe you are redeemed, made righteous.

no more law, no more rituals needed in order to bring about salvation. In fact, all the law ever did was expose sin. So no matter how much closer one under the law felt they were getting to salvation all they were doing was continuing to expose their sins. like a big old circle.

I am beginning to see how this also is being played out in our own modern way. attend this meeting, go to this church, where these clothes, don't eat these foods, and suddenly new believers are confused about what it takes to be saved. Is faith enough? Do I also have to do this or that?

Now, what if your church is not constantly preaching Jesus, Faith alone, the cross and resurrection?

confusion. it is not brain science, and I am no explorer blazing a new trail of thoughts. In fact in so many ways I am showing up late to the party. We need to return to the message of faith, we need to focus on it. we need to communicate over and over because Jesus died for your sins, and was resurrected, if you believe you will receive salvation.

there is no "pulling yourself up by the boot straps", there is no "making it a great day", there is no "taking matters into your own hands". there is Christ crucified. The pure, sinless, sacrificial lamb, once and for all, all in one, Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.

nothing else is needed and nothing else will do.

Milton Stanley said...
March 27, 2008 at 8:44 PM  

Good word and beautiful template (though somewhat hard to read). Peace.

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