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Zimbabwe 2

more articles on the situation taking place in Zimbabwe:

NY times editorial from yesterday: "Zimbabwe's Reign of Terror". "International aid agencies reported this week that they had been ordered to stop distributing food to hundreds of thousands of hungry Zimbabweans, at least until the June 27 vote"

washingtonpost editorial from yesterday: "From Terror to Hunger" "According to a report in the New York Times, Mr. Mugabe's regime last week ordered a number of nonprofit groups working in Zimbabwe to suspend their operations until after the runoff vote. These include CARE, which feeds more than 100,000 people in schools, orphanages and nursing homes; and Save the Children, which said that it was unable to serve 60,000 children to whom it was providing food, counseling and education. A U.N. official said that, in all, millions of people had lost assistance. "


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