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WFP Strategic plan

The Word Food Programme has released an article announcing the approval of "a new four-year strategic plan that will be critical to addressing soaring hunger needs due to the global food crisis." whole article here from the article:

“I call this our 80-80-80 solution,” she told WFP’s Board members gathered in Rome this week. “Eighty percent of our cash for food is spent in the developing world, 80 percent of our ground transport is procured in the developing world, and 80 percent of our staff is hired locally in the developing world.”

"The strategic plan emphasises life-saving emergency aid, such as the 3 million vulnerable served in Darfur with emergency food aid. But it also emphasises prevention, local purchase of food, and using targeted cash and voucher programs when food is available locally but not accessible by the hungry. "


"Tools to break the inter-generational cycle of chronic hunger – the inheritance of hunger from mother to child – are also a critical part of the plan. School meals and support to mother-and-child health and nutrition (MCHN) programmes will help address poor levels of education and health that hamper the physical and intellectual growth of individuals, and constrain the economic and social development of nations. Since its inception in 1962, WFP has been committed to promoting food and nutrition security.

"WFP is the largest and most operational UN agency. Its greatest strength is its global deep field presence combined with its hunger expertise. Every day, WFP’s 10,000 staff working on the frontlines of hunger face the challenge of mobilising enough food for the hungry, and delivering it when and where it’s most needed.


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