I have been making some changes (which are obvious) to this blog.
At first I thought it would simply be for aesthetics.
I believe that God has been cultivating something in my wife's and my heart. We have become more and more aware of other's needs and especially children who are in need. I have been wandering what this will mean for us.
We are in a phase of much transition right now. While we are going through this I am working through the idea and implications of refocusing the point of this blog.
More to come soon on what all this means, but my hope is as follows:
I want to turn this blog into a central place to learn about the needs that are currently taking place in our world. I want as Christians for us to turn our eyes onto what I believe God is looking at. Before many start to think I am getting all high and mighty, please know I have been the chief sinner and in many ways this will be a journey for myself. I hope to have regular links to articles and places to go to where the truth is being revealed.
Like I said I am still working out what this will look like and how to best use this blog to facilitate that. I have some ideas but can't say a whole lot yet.
anyways, I would appreciate your prayers while I go through this time. but more than prayers for me, please pray for the people all of this world that as you read this are dying because they don't have what we call the basic rights to life.
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